“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Unfortunately for modern Americans, speed seems to be the measure of all things. This is nowhere more evident than in our addiction to electronics.
In 1979 I took a freshman computer programming class which allowed access to the University’s mainframe computer. It was one of the fastest mainframes available at the time. My professor often joked about how computers taught us to be impatient. We’d write our programs, key them in at the terminal, and wait for the computer to execute them. We usually had to wait several minutes for the outcome. Minutes. Many, many, many seconds. Dr. Mink couldn’t have known how prescient he was.
In today’s world, we’re impatient after a few seconds’ delay, even a fraction of a second. If an app doesn’t launch instantly on our phone, it’s time to upgrade. If it takes more than a few seconds for a movie to begin streaming, our Wi-Fi is too slow. In parts of Texas, the speed limit on some Interstate highways is 85 mph. Sammy Hagar’s old tune, “I Can’t Drive 55”, is quaint by comparison. You just can’t slow down those Texans!
A certain amount of speed is unavoidable. Where both parents work, when all the kids go to school, when the whole family attends church weekly, and when you have sports and after-school jobs, life resembles an Olympic 100-meter dash.
But there are options. First, look for those daily opportunities to slow the pace and catch your breath. May you got to work a few minutes early. Maybe you finished a project sooner than expected. Maybe the kids don’t have homework tonight. Whatever the reason, enjoy the break. There’s no rule that says you must fill it with activity.
Second, practice slowing down. Allow extra time with errands and chores. Put fewer items on your “to-do” list. Let someone go ahead of you in the checkout line. Choose a slower, more scenic route. Chew your food slowing and enjoy its texture and taste. Change your own motor oil. Make slowing down a normal thing.
Psalm 46.10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Be still. Be quiet. Listen. Breathe. Relax. Calm down. Slow down. And listen.
May God help us take our foot off the accelerator.